Friday, February 7, 2020

Top concealer makeup brand in the world

Concealer in makeup is a type of base only but used to apply to any area / flaw / mark you want to tatto hide / conceal. It comes in form of cake or liquid concealers. Cake concealers are considered to be more strong as they more thick and make a layer, but for personal use i prefer liquid concealers as they go sodt on your skin.
Apart from concealers, correcters are also available in market. It comes in orange, yellow and green colors. You use correcters to correct the colour tones on your face. For eg to hide acne / pimples of pink / red colour you can use green correcter. To correct dark under eyes you may use yellow/orange correcter.
Top concealer makeup brand in the world,topmakeupbrand,
Make sure you apply first correct and then concealer over it to get the flawless look.
Hope this is useful to you :)
Stay beautiful, stay happy!!

1 comment:

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